Ciao babes!

Thanks for visiting and viewing my work! Here’s a (somewhat) brief summary of who I am and what I’m about. I’m freestyling this because I was told I need to update my website (apparently people still visit websites) so just go with me.

In no particular order, I am a writer, director, filmmaker, creative director, art director, designer, animator, illustrator, editor, compositor, storyboard artist, cat dad, bardlock in training, a man in love, etc etc etc... I’ve never known how to succinctly tell people what I do, and saying you’re an artist gets you about 5% of the way there. Also feels like overkill having 147 titles attached to your career, but hey, I’m pretty obsessed with a whole lotta stuff and have dedicated my life to integrating as many methods of human creation into my work as possible, so we’ll stick with the 147 and call me master of none.

Here’s a list of projects that I’m currently involved in:

  • Writing, directing, animating, and producing an animated series with my small team at MALENA INDUSTRIES. This has been a major focus for me for the last 2 years. After PEOPLE PERSON’s affirming 2-year festival run, I absolutely must continue the momentum and see where writing and directing take me next. Very excited to increase the level of animation quality and story-telling fidelity (dialogue!?!). COMING SOON.

  • Creative directing and illustrating all the art for an original Table-Top RPG at WICKED GRIN INTERACTIVE. It’s been an absolute breath of fresh air to be working in the fantasy genre, as well as static art (animation is hard (really hard)). COMING SOON.

  • Creative directing and animating content for the band MASCOT. The boys have been incredible partners and can’t not make catchy music.

  • Freelance art direction and design to keep my professional and technical skills sharp. Working with clients is also one of the only ways to expose yourself to differing schools of creative thought and work with people that are more experienced than you. Crucial.

  • Producing electronic music under FAKE WAITRESS, purely to quiet the aspiring musician-that-never-was in my head. This one’s for me. But if you listen, I will send you flowers. Lots of flowers.

  • My heavenly home life with my incredible partner and two psycho cats.

As an artist, your life is your work and vice versa. It is a profound gift to get to work as hard as I try to on things that have never existed before with people who are passionate about life and inspiring others. I will always be chasing stories, characters, and worlds, in an effort to better understand who we are as creators and how we are all connected.

If you want to work with me, or have any questions about the art life, feel free to reach out at
